13 Juni 2023

Catatan Saat Langit Gelap (2)


just like life, is a choice.

You can choose who, when and where. And sometimes : Why.

You can choose to dance only on the bright side, or stuck in dark secrets.

You can also choose to stay or leave.

Fight or Flight.

Say YES or NO.

Be faithfull or UNfaith full.

Give it all or save some to protect your heart.

Fall in or fall out.

So, think slowly, and choose wisely.


4 juni 2023

Post of The Month

Akhir Tahun 2022 : Sudah Punya Apa Saja?

Saat saya menulis ini, Tahun 2022 tersisa 19 hari lagi. Jujur, rasanya pedih ke hati. Juga takut. Pedih karena merasa ngga ada perkembangan ...

Yang Ini Juga Menarik...